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When you smile, laugh, frown, or look puzzled, you contract the muscles of your face. Over time, these contractions produce permanent furrows and deep wrinkles in the skin, especially around the eyes and mouth, between the eyebrows, and on the forehead. These lines can make you look older, sad, angry or tired. BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments can not only prevent you from deepening these lines during natural facial movements, they can also erase these marks of aging, leaving you looking younger and refreshed.

BOTOX® is made from a highly purified protein that is very safe when administered by a trained physician. The medication relaxes the muscles in the face that cause wrinkles. In this way, BOTOX® smoothes the lines in the skin that make you look tired or angry. BOTOX® may also be useful for migraine headaches, excessive sweating, and eye and neck muscle spasms. Talk to us about whether BOTOX® can help you.



Restylane® is designed to smooth wrinkles, sculpt lips and shape facial contours. It is a clear, synthetic gel made with hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that is found throughout your body. It carries little risk of allergic reaction. The most common areas for treatment are the glabellar lines (between the eyebrows) and the nasolabial folds (from the root of the nose to the angle of your mouth). With its unique ability to bind with water, Restylane remains in your skin for many months.


Juvederm Injectable Gel

Juvéderm is an injectable gel that gently reverses many signs of aging in the face, including fine lines and wrinkles, crow's feet, thinning lips and loosening skin. It can also "plump up" the lips, sculpt the cheeks, and restore a youthful oval shape to the face. It is made with hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in the body that works with collagen and elastin to give volume and support to the skin. Because it is non-animal-based and highly biocompatible, no pre-treatment testing is needed. Juvéderm comes in three formulas optimized for the depth of the area being treated. Results last about 6-9 months and can be made to last even longer with a simple follow-up treatment a few weeks after the initial injection.


DiamondTome Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion removes the topmost layer of skin to give patients a smoother, younger look. The DiamondTome™ Wand aids in this exfoliation process by gently removing the skin cells with tiny diamond chips and vacuuming away the excess. Advantages of the DiamondTome™ System over traditional (particle) dermabrasion and chemical peels are no loose particles, no irritation, no skin reaction, and no contamination of you or the environment. Patients see an improvement after the first treatment; four to ten sessions are typically required for optimal results. Regular activities may be resumed immediately.


PCA Chemical Peel

PCA chemical peels are light to moderate chemical peels that can exfoliate, tighten, smooth, and improve the texture and appearance of the facial skin and some other body areas. PCA chemical peels contain AHAs, or alphahydroxy acids, which are the gentlest and lightest chemical peels available. There are different types of PCA chemical peels that are designed to address specific skin conditions. PCA chemical peels can be very effective at treating facial blemishes and acne, uneven skin pigmentation, fine wrinkles, and damage caused by the sun, aging, and other sources of skin imperfections.



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